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Spring cleaning

I haven’t been around much in the past year or so because… well, let’s be honest here. I design/build websites for other people for a living and the last thing I want to do when I have time to myself is to work on another website. Even if it’s my own.

But it was time that I finally cleaned up a few things around here so this is what I did:

1. removed the download pages for the time being since I don’t know when I’ll be uploading zip files of my screencaps again.

2. removed the Megaupload links and replaced them with links to the gallery

3. I still kinda like the WP theme I use for this site so I just cleaned it up a bit (changed some colors, got rid of a couple lines of code…)

4. turned off the comments for now because most of ’em where just spam anyway

I hope that I’ll have a bit of time to upload and post some more caps soon but I guess that will depend on how much work my boss sends my way.


Since Megaupload went the way of the Dodo all the previously posted links to .zip files of my screencaps are gone. Right now I have no idea when I’ll be able to re-upload them somewhere else, so please just use the gallery in the meantime.

CSI – 11×20 – Father Of The Bride HD screencaps

569 caps | 1280 x 720 | JPG | ~64 MB | Gallery

CSI – 11×19 – Unleashed HD screencaps

567 caps | 1280 x 720 | JPG | ~61 MB | Gallery

CSI – 11×18 – Hitting for the Cycle HD screencaps

600 caps | 1280 x 720 | JPG | ~71 MB | Gallery